Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Four Easy Steps To Complete Client Loyalty

Creating client loyalty serves many benefits: it enhances the persistency of your business, generates referrals and creates a positive atmosphere for our clients and ourselves. So how do we develop this sense of commitment in our clients? Why not start by taking these four steps to heart: Separate yourself from your competitors. You can create separation from yourself and your competitors by providing your clients with value-added service. For example, become a one-stop shopping centre for your clients by developing alliances with other reputable professionals. Also, have a broad range of information just about anything, get yourself up to the level that people will contact you when they re looking for an answer to any given situation. This will not only save your clients time but will create a continuous stream of referrals for you. Ask for your client s input. I always ask my clients for their ideas on how I can improve my level of service. This question serves two purposes: a) I get a variety of fresh ideas; and b) it makes clients feel like they are part of the process, which strengthens my bond with them. Remember, if you don t ask, you ll never get an answer Get in your client s face. Technology has made communication infinitely easier. I am in contact with my clients via phone, e-mail, fax or snail mail on a quarterly basis. However, as communication technology improves every year, I find that it s actually better to use old school methods of contact, because it makes things more special. As I ve said, depending on your clientele, you may have to be in touch more or less often. For some of my bigger clients, I usually contact directly by phone instead of e-mailing, so when I call, they know it s important and pay attention to me. A friendly non-business lunch here and there with your clients is a also a good idea. All this communications effort allows you to strengthen the relationship you have with your clients and gives you an opportunity to let them know about new products or services. Be a good listener. There is an old saying, God gave us two ears and one mouth because he wanted us to do twice as much listening as talking. When we are listened to, it makes us unfold and expand. Along with possibly saving your marriage, this advice will also create additional sales and build loyalty among your existing clientele. Clients are liked to be listened to, and you should be doing this on a regular basis. Try implementing some of the above ideas and you will surely reap the benefits that relationship selling and client loyalty have to offer. Lorne S. Marr - Toronto Life Insurance expert

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